Phylum Cnidaria: That’s What I’m Being Called

5 min readJun 2, 2024


Photo by Marat Gilyadzinov on Unsplash its not, Phylum Cnidaria, but lets say it is

Have you ever talked to someone, and just like that, you clicked? No, I never meet her in person. I meet her online like some of us right now, in this massive digital era.

So, let me introduce her to you guys, meet: Doe.

Damn, it’s kinda exaggerating. But isn’t it that all those big stories always get exaggerated?

Actually, why I nicknamed her Doe because I like the song by Owl City, Deer in The Highlights, where in the video, Adam talks about a girl he barely meets and suddenly falls in love. It a quite strange, but I’d like my story to be similar to his, yet this is what happened when I met Doe.

Met her in an online community, I texted her, and she texted back. For almost a month right now we have been talking and sharing a story. Yes, she is far beyond my reach, yet, for now, I just like to talk to her.

I know, every good moment passes, but I won’t let this one pass soon, so I am going to catch and capture the moment and the feel, and preserve it here forever.

“Met a girl in the parking lot,

And all I did was say hello.

Her pepper spray made it rather hard

For me to walk her home,

But I guess that’s the way it goes.

Tell me again was it love at first sight

When I walked by and you caught my eye.

Didn’t you know love could shine this bright?

Well smile because you’re the deer in the headlights.”

“Deer in the Headlights” by Owl City is a song about the unpredictable and sometimes confusing nature of love and romantic relationships. The lyrics use the metaphor of a “deer in the headlights” to describe the feeling of being caught off guard or surprised by love. The protagonist in the song expresses his fascination and frustration with a romantic interest who seems elusive and unpredictable, much like a deer suddenly appearing in the path of a car’s headlights.

Oh, I know, the other song that feels the same to this story. You know, the song of a guy standing in line, and the girl thinks has time to talk to him. Then they go spend an evening, and even more, they dance. After that, they go to some quiet place to order some drink, but the stupid idiot guy ruins it all with something stupid like, “I love you”.

I think you know the song.

One of my friends asked, “What do you like about a girl?”

He asked to set me up with a random girl she thinks is fit for me. And I got a perfect answer “I don’t want anything, I just want her to know the Beatles”

It was so bare minimum criteria. But in my defense, if she does not know the Beatles, how can we talk about anything? Or how can have a long exciting conversation? How can we have a proper talk? how?

Yet, isn’t it, a long good relationship built on communication? Yet, when she does not vibe or does not understand what I am talking about, it just does not make sense.

*Oke kejauhan ini, malah kemana-mana*

Long story short, Doe and I got acquainted and we talked quite often. I haven’t asked her yet, but it seems she knows about The Beatles. She also understands and laughs at the jokes I make.

In addition, we also match our personalities a lot. It’s really fun meeting someone who matches your level of aura.

Often making her laugh and throwing out silly flirts, a few weeks ago, he started calling me Box Jellyfish. In Latin, Phylum Cnidaria.

Here is a brief description of Phylum Cnidaria based on what I found on Wikipedia.

Box jellyfish (class Cubozoa; cubo means box, zoon means animal) are invertebrates from the phylum Cnidaria that have cube-shaped medusas. Box jellyfish are notorious for the strong venom produced by some species: Chironex fleckeri, Carukia barnesi, and Malo kingi are among the most venomous marine creatures in the world. Stings from these species are extremely painful and sometimes fatal to humans.

I don’t know, I feel both sad and happy.

Happy because she describes me as a strange animal. In this case, she once said that jellyfish are strange and funny animals. And she also once wrote this text to describe me:

What do I admire about Phylum Cnidaria?

Even though we’ve only known each other for a day (now two days), it’s been full of surprises. Freaky, funny, lovely. Cute.

I don’t know much about you yet, but I have a feeling that you are a good person. You are so sweet; somehow, sometimes I can’t handle it.

And I love sweet.

Yet at the same time, I’m curious how you can be this sweet? Is it because you are a good writer, since you love to write, and I love to read?

Like we are each other’s half?

These past two days, my days have been filled with joy and excitement. I’ll blame you if the next day I don’t feel the same anymore. I bet you are one of those smart boys with a book vibe, good reads, but funny at the same time.

I think you are an extrovert, but somehow my mind keeps saying that you are an introvert.

It’s just your funny vibe.

Funny, as in “kocak” like you said.

You love to give appreciation, I bet your love language is Words of Affirmation. Receiving gifts and acts of service? Since you shocked me with your gift, like in our first-ever acquaintance? Even in our first 3 hours.

I was so happy that night, I meant it.

Every time I chat with you, all I want is for you to be happy. You deserve to be happy and blessed. Thank you for making my day, Phylum Cnidaria.

Oh yeah, for last? I read some of your Medium writings. I admire you, a lot.

I really mean it when I said that I want what you have.

It feels hard not to like her.

However, I am also sad. Phylum Cnidaria, although it looks like a cute, has a sting that can even be deadly.


And I’m afraid that someday I might hurt her. I’m afraid of giving false hope (damn, who would expect that), but yeah, I’m afraid of hurting her.

I am not a good person. And I always feel that way. Sometimes even to the point where I think, okay, I don’t deserve any of this.

But Doe, if I may, I don’t know for how long, let me be your Phylum Cnidaria. Let’s enjoy this.




Written by Nightman

Pencatat hal-hal kecil yang terlewat, mengaku sebagai penyuka buku, musik, film, dan jalan-jalan di jam tiga dini hari.

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