I am not really sure where to start on my fourth day in Thailand. The workshop on gender equality will start today. I don’t know, well, I’m quite interested in the topic we will be discussing, but somehow I feel like I'm not excited.
Yet, I decided to wake up early. as usual. I don't wait for joy and dhania to went up for breakfast. I like having breakfast in a hotel. yeah, one of the reasons is I can eat as much as I can because they serve as buffet like, but rather than, I like being wake up early in the morning, and I found that someone has already provided my breakfast and somehow I feel special. (weird wkwkw)
I also liked seeing people's faces in the breakfast and wondering how they were up last night. I am wondering how’s their sleep? are they having a nightmare or not? or I don't know, are they okay today?. wait. let’s focus on the story here.
So today is the day the workshop begins. the session lasted for 3 or 4 hours and we go back to our hotels, and having a rest, and prepare to go to the welcoming dinner of the event.
At the welcoming dinner, I ordered pad Thai and mango smoothy (again). I don't know, I just feel comfortable eating and drinking those two. the welcoming dinner went ok. I blend and talked to the other guys, but mostly I just listen to their stories. yet, I enjoyed it, I did. after that, we went back to the hotel and we rest.
That's it, that is the whole schedule for the third day.
But of course, I don't want to miss this opportunity by sleeping out in the hotel and doing nothing. So, around 23.00, I decided to go out and do something that I called ‘Krungthep Night Excursion’.
In reality, it was not as good as the title, because I just went around near my hotel, but luckily I stayed in the very center of the city of Bangkok, so it was so great to stroll in the middle of the night.
Like any big city in the world, Bangkok is never sleeping. up until 3 in the morning when I did this Krungthep Night Excursion, people still moving around in the city. Not that as busy as during the day of course, but the city is still moving. some of the residents are perhaps still in their sleep, but some others still go and come around.
I said before, I stayed in the very center of Bangkok, and I think this area is also the center of the economy of Thailand. If I am not mistaken, there are several huge shopping centers in this area and during the day, this region is filled with so many people, and I wonder, what is their thought?
So here is the photo compilation of Krungthep Night Excursion.
*shit ternyata foto-foto random aja dan nda punya cerita, bodoh bgt.
*Decide to write this part in English because in the end, this is my platform anyway, and I can do whatever I want.